Thursday, 17 November 2011

Royal Free Singers in Ireland, November 2011

St Mary's Church, Clonmel, Tipperary, was the venue for our Saturday evening concert when we visited Ireland for a weekend in November, and we sang for the mass on Sunday morning, too.

Some forty or so members of the choir came away with great memories. We all now understand why castle staircases are built the way they are, and our very entertaining guides for our castle visits told us much more besides. Particularly about sanitation!

Gavin's bar, where we met up with our host choir after the concert, offered the opportunity for even more Guinness (some of us had found places to sample the national brew earlier), ample portions of delicious dinners, and some excellent singing and dancing - thanks to you Linda C - to round off the evening. (Although some rounded it off again afterwards back at the hotel!)

It was a long way to Tipperary, but our hearts are still there!